Monday, January 28, 2013

O God, you are my God,
Earnestly I seek you;
My Soul thirsts for you,
My body longs for you,
In a dry and weary land
Where there is no water.
Psalm 63
How often I read or hear, “Where is God?” or “I am seeking God?”  It reminds me of when I am looking for the lost eyeglasses that are on the top of my head.  Why is it I can’t just feel the glasses on my head?  What made me put them there in the first place rather than down on the desk or table where I could then find them more easily when I need them?
One thing that comes to my mind is preoccupation.  How is it I get so tied up with my work or chores or whatever I might be worrying about at the moment that the preoccupation over shadows the most meaningful spaces of my time?  And why do I keep those resources or saving-graces so out of reach so that when I really need them, they are not there for my fortitude?
Ultimately, I believe I cannot be separated from God.  My Soul, my Spirit, the Light, the Energy, the essence of all things in and outside of me IS God, (aka: pantheism). Does that make me God?  Perhaps in some ways it does, in that it recognizes the God within.  But the human element called Ego, has the darnedest time letting go of materialism, control, attachment, worry, you get the idea. 
Until I can embrace the Divine within, I will always be looking for those glasses that are on top of my head. 


  1. According to Hindus, we all are part of God, may be a miniscule one but nevertheless a part. Just as a drop of ocean water is not ocean but it isn't different from ocean either. Thanks for a thoughtful post.

  2. I was having exactly this conversation (about living in the present moment) yesterday when speaking with a friend who has a growth on his pancreas, whose nature is yet to be determined. But oh, how hard it is!!!
